Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's a BOY!!

We found out today that we are having a BOY!  Steve took the day off work and all three of us went to the ultrasound.  I have to admit that I was surprised, I was kinda thinking a girl on this one (but I think that's just because I'm so used to all the girly-girly now!)  Katelyn was so cute, she just kept pointing at the screen saying "baby!"  I don't think it actually looked like a baby to her, but she kept hearing us say it.  We are thrilled!

I love this profile shot, I have one of Kate that looks exactly like it.


  1. YA!!! Congratulations guys! Im so happy to have a nephew!! Can't wait! Love you!

  2. A beautiful grandaughter and now a handsome grandson on the way! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!

  3. Woo-hoo! You are the best wife and mom in the world! I love you so much!

    ... and GREAT job on the blog!
