Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween Weekend

We had such a great weekend with Kate's Bday on Saturday, hangin out with the fam on Sunday, and then Halloween on Monday.  I didn't get any pics of Katelyn with her cousins Emily and Charlie (my camera died after her birthday party) but they had such a blast together, chasing each other all over the house!  We all went to a local sports bar to watch the Steelers/Niners games on Sunday.  Zach and Shell are big Steeler fans and Steve (and I, by association!) are 49ers fans.

Kate loves Brooke and Paul!

We need Niners jerseys!!

Oh, the love...

Lots of our pictures look like this...

For Halloween, Sydney came over to join Katelyn for trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  There were so many kids out this year, it was fun!

I love this picture! Crazy Kate running around giddy, cute little Syd trying to keep up!

Katelyn had fun saying "Tickerteat" at everyones door.  One of the first houses we went to had a puppy, so every house after that she said, "I want to touch your puppy"

Do I look a bit too eager to see what she got?

We totally didn't plan for Luke to end up looking like Yo Gabba Gabba's "Brobbee".  Once I had him dressed, Steve realized it and went and got Katelyn's stuffed Brobbee, a perfect match!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time TWO Party!!

Katelyn had such a blast at her 2nd birthday party!  We kept things simple this year and had it at a park right down the street.  It's such a beautiful park with big trees, lots of open space, and great play equipment.  And since one of Kate's favorite things these days is going to the park (mainly because of the slide and the swings), it was perfect.

The moment we got there she was giddy with excitement, seeing all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.

It's all about the slide...the bigger the better!

We grilled burgers and hotdogs, chips, and oranges (her favorite)

I had fun with a few decorations.  I learned out to make these fun tissue paper pom poms and a "lolliplant" on Pinterest!  We used her birthday banner from last year.  After the party I hung the pom poms up in her room, she loves looking at them!

Grammie made all the cupcakes-Strawberry and Funfetti, yum!

You wouldn't believe how many attempts at a family pic we made here!  And this is the best we could do!  If we can get one of the kiddos looking, we're lucky!

She had fun opening presents.  This was the expression on her face for each one!  (Followed by a glare at Sydney dare her...wanted to play with the new toys!)

Auntie Shell and Lukers

The that sounds funny!

Uncle Paul

It was a great day!