Sunday, December 4, 2011


It just gets more and more fun to watch Katelyn and Luke interact.  Since Luke came home (after the first few weeks of getting over some jealousy) Katelyn has loved helping me with anything to do with her little brother.  She loves getting the diapers, putting on the desitin (he'll love hearing that later!), throwing dirty diapers in the trash, feeding him a bottle, giving him his paci (this is a favorite), even letting mommy know when the baby is hungry (whenever he cries she says "Mommy, baby wants milk").  Now, as Luke is becoming more animated and interested in things around him, Katelyn is increasingly interested in playing with him.

We keep a box of "baby toys" in the living room for Luke.  Katelyn loves to take them out one-by-one and give them to him, explaining (at least thats what it looks like she is doing!) them to her brother.  Its so cute because she just talks and talks and talks to him (much of it in her crazy Katelyn language), and even acts like he is responding to her.  She'll ask him a question and then say, "okay baby".

After she has gone through the whole box of toys, this is often what Luke ends up with!

She loves helping give Luke a bath!

Sometimes when I come in to get her after her nap I have Luke with me and so I'll put Luke in her crib with her, she just loooves that!  She thinks its so fun that he is in her bed.  However, if I take her out first, she makes sure Luke does not get to stay there...she gets a bit possessive of her bed!

Helping Luke in his jumper.

Watching The Grinch together.

I just love watching them together.  Luke just looks at her with such interest, there are times when he is in a fussy mood and she just starts talking to him and he becomes so happy.  She is even protective of him now.  The other day we were at the doctor's office and a little boy came up to look at Luke.  He wanted to touch his face and Katelyn immediately got between them and just glared at the little boy (although I was telling her to share and be nice, i was just laughing inside!).  They are so precious, I hope they just become closer and closer as they grow.


  1. SOOO cute! I love the pics and your stories are hilarious. My favorite is of Luke in his bouncer with all the toys covering him. :)

  2. how fun! What a great advantage of having them so close in age. The pic of Luke with all the toys on top of him cracks me up. Kylie definitely likes to be helpful with Evie but is still in the jealousy phase too.

  3. Ah, they are such buds!!! I love it! K is going to be such an awesome big sister!!
